Course outline: 

This advanced discussion-based course will review current topics in evolutionary genetics, such as selection, genomic divergence and speciation, genetics of adaptation, gene duplication and functionalization, and population genomics. The discussions will follow reading of original research and review papers, and books/book chapters, including classical and current literature. This course is available only for PhD students and post-docs. There will be no exam but everyone is required to attend all classes and participate actively in the discussions. The grades will be decided on the level and quality of participation in the discussions.

There is no separate course syllabus yet since the topics and papers for discussion will be finalized in consultation with the students in the first class.

The course will run from mid-Jan to mid-Apr 2025.

Course outcomes:

This course will prepare PhD students and post-docs to understand the founding principles of population genetics and genomics, and to apply them in solving cutting-edge problems in evolutionary genetics, molecular evolution, genomics, and developmental genetics.

Instructor - Krushnamegh Kunte

Schedule - 2 to 3:30pm