The course aims to teach new students how to read, review, and synthesize primary literature in biology. Students will read multiple papers each week. Assignments are most important and will help students build towards writing a term paper. We will use Moodle for the course.

A literature review on a topic of interest to the student.

Instructors: Anjana Badrinarayanan and Deepa Agashe

Schedule: Mondays - 2 to 3.30pm

Venue: SAFEDA and MALGOVA (on 6th and 13th January, venue is LH-2 instead of MALGOVA)


NOTE: This course is restricted to the students of GS-24 and GS-23. Any others who want to join should write to Dr. Deepa Agashe (dagashe@ncbs.res.in) or Dr. Anjana Badrinarayanan (anjana@ncbs.res.in).