The compartmentalization of metabolic processes within membrane-bound organelles is a defining characteristic of eukaryotic cells. This organization enables the concentration of reactants, containment of toxic byproducts, simultaneous occurrence of incompatible reactions, and a more precise regulation of gene expression. However, the response to internal and external cues often requires coordinated actions involving multiple organelles, necessitating mechanisms for regulated communication between them. Membrane contact sites play a crucial role in facilitating this inter-organelle communication. These contact sites, also known as organelle contact sites, are regions where the membranes of two organelles closely appose and connect via specialized proteins and/or lipids. Over the past decade, advances in visualization and study techniques have transformed our understanding of cellular architecture from a static view of distinct organelles floating in cytoplasm to one where organelles dynamically interact with each other, exchanging molecular components.

In this series of lectures, we will delve into the diverse roles of organelle contact sites in cellular physiology and pathology. Some of the topics we will explore are the history of discovery of organelle contact sites, how metabolites like lipids and ions are exchanged, how it influences organelle division. We will also discuss what happens to these sites in pathological states and how infectious agents like viruses hijack these sites for propagation.


Instructor: Prof. Krishnaveni Mishra


23rd April 2024: LH-1 (Happus)

24th to 27th April 2024: Malgova

Schedule: 23rd April 2024 to 27th April 2024, 3:30pm to 5:00pm